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Dogmen- und Theologiegeschichte


Zachhuber, Johannes


The Rise of Christian Theology and the End of Ancient Metaphysics. Patristic Philosophy from the Cappadocian Fathers to John of Damascus.


Oxford u. a.: Oxford University Press 2020. 384 S. Geb. US$ 105,00. ISBN 9780198859956.


Richard Cross

This book develops a very ambitious thesis that, if true, would require a radical rethinking of a vast amount of Patristic theology from Basil of Caesarea to John of Damascus. The basic thought is that the Cappadocians – preeminently Gregory of Nyssa – devel-oped two complementary accounts of universals: an »abstract« one, employed in the context of Trinitarian theology, and a »concrete« one, employed for theological anthropology. The core of the ab­stract theory is that a universal is an abstract item individuated in its concrete particulars; and the core of the concrete theory is that a universal is the collection of its particulars. According to Johannes Zachhuber, the abstract theory is well-suited for giving an account of the doctrine of the Trinity, but less helpful in its ...

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